Condition survey for entry of P& I Club. 船舶入保前的状态检验;
The First-year Students 'Dietary Behavior and Nutritional Condition in a College: a Survey from 2003 to 2007 2003~2007年某校大专新生饮食行为及营养状况调查
Analysis of 2007~ 2008 Food Safe Condition Survey 2007-2008年食品安全状况调查分析
Indoor Air Condition Survey after Decoration of Newly-built Housing 新建房屋装修后室内空气质量调查
The specific condition is analyzed for settlement survey with soft ground and large oil tank. 分析了软弱地基、大型油罐给沉降监测带来的特定条件;
By surveying analysis for local general picture, geology and geomorphology, vegetation distribution and meteorology condition, especially survey of wind speed and direction, the authors expound natural condition along railway line. 文章通过对南疆铁路沿线的概况、地质地貌、植被分布及气象状况,特别是风信状况的调查,阐明了沿线的自然状况。
The purpose of the paper is to analyze the actual service condition according to the survey result. 本文的目的在于能从调研结果分析实际服务的状况。
In order to fit the demand of complicated management, a new circle ecological environment survey are carried out, including underground water potentiality survey, underground water quality survey, protection plan, adjusting pondage condition survey, geological environment problems and hazard survey. 从综合治理的需要出发,新一轮生态地质环境调查应包括地下水潜力调查、地下水环境质量调查、地下水环境保护区划、地下水调蓄条件调查、环境地质问题与灾害调查等内容。
The paper, from two visual angles of history and theory, attempts to give ancient Chinese editors'living condition a comprehensive survey and present some inspiration to contemporary editorial activities. 本文试图从历史与理论分析两个视角,对中国古代编辑的生存状况进行全面观照,以期对当代编辑活动有所启示。
On the basis of condition tests of soil radon survey at certain uranium deposit in Ordos basin, regional soil radon survey was carried but in a study area of western margin of Ordos basin. 在鄂尔多斯盆地某矿床进行土壤Rn测量条件试验的基础上,对鄂尔多斯盆地西缘研究区进行了区域测量工作。
To study the rapid detection is an important work. Review of Road Condition Survey Technology and Equipments 路面快速检测技术与设备研究进展及分析
The first part of the article analyses and predicts the outer surrounding factors of the enterprise such as the variation and the competition condition of the survey and design market after the entry into WTO, through the comparison analysis t of the domestic and foreign in the field. 本文的第一部分主要通过国内、外行业现状的对比分析,对入世后勘察设计市场的变化和竞争形势等企业外部环境因素进行了分析和预测。
Road condition survey is a key and fundamental technology in highway construction and management. 路面检测是公路建设和养护管理过程中的一项关键性、基础性技术。
A health condition survey of workers exposed to benzene, toluene, xylol and mixed derivatives of benzene 苯、甲苯、二甲苯及混合苯作业工人健康状况调查
Road condition survey is a very important technology in road construction and service. 路面结构检测是公路建设和使用过程中一项至关重要的技术。
It helps leaders to make decision. Statistics are the basis of condition survey, problem identification and decision-making. 统计是了解情况、发现问题、制定决策的重要依据。
The whole condition and application survey of the imported foundry equipment has been respectively described as complete and reliable as possible based on the related data collected. 本文在收集有关进口铸造设备资料的基础上,尽可能全面、详实和可靠地反映我国铸造设备的进口全貌及应用概况。
A pavement condition index PCI is adopted for evaluating the pavement distress condition which is formulated by pavement condition survey and condition rating test. 采用路面状况指数PCI作为路面损坏的评价指标。通过主客观相结合的方法,提出了PCI的评定关系式。
Research of Postgraduate's Health Condition by the SF-36 Survey SF-36问卷应用于在校研究生健康状况的调查研究
Parameter Estimation Method of Logistic Regression Model in the Condition of Stratum Sample Survey 分层抽样条件下Logistic回归模型的参数估计方法
Spatial information technology can be applied to the whole process of conservation planning including current condition survey, data analysis, thematic map design, etc. 空间信息技术可以系统地运用于名城保护规划的现状调查、数据分析和专题图设计的全过程中。
The Current Developing Condition and Achievement of the Urban Survey Technology in China 我国城市测量技术发展现状与成就
Methods Intelligence tests, JPB tests, conners questionnaire of child behavior, sensation integration function assessment, and normal condition questionnaire survey were conducted in the two groups. 方法采用队列研究方法,对两组儿童进行韦氏智力测验、精神运动能力测试、感觉统合功能评定、Conners儿童行为问卷调查和一般情况问卷调查研究。
Through ground verification can verify the detailed understanding of abnormal geologic condition, survey abnormal source, further narrow the scope of the ground of ore, mineralization anomalies delineated and guide the prospecting direction. 通过地面查证可详细了解异常区内的地质情况,调查异常来源,进一步缩小找矿范围,圈定矿化异常,指导找矿方向。
The third part describes the basic condition of the survey, the analysis and the final conclusion from the design of the questionnaire, the survey condition, the statistic condition and the reliability and validity of samples. 第三部分,以人人网为例调查大学生使用校园SNS的情况,从问卷设计、调查状况、统计状况及样本的信度和效度等方面来描述调查的基本状况以及调查的分析结论。
Firstly, this research analyzes the learners 'information literacy condition through questionnaire survey. In order to improve their levels of information literacy, the independent cause Information Literacy is chosen as the method of cultivation of this research. 首先通过问卷调查对学习者信息素养状况进行分析,为了提高他们的信息素养,本研究采用的培养方法是开设独立的《信息素养》课程。
In order to solve this urgent problem, the further research of eco-environmental geological condition, the practical survey of eco-environmental geology and the reasonable evaluation of eco-environmental geology are all imperative. 解决这一刻不容缓的问题需要对生态环境地质状况进行深入的研究,需要切实的生态环境地质调查与合理的生态环境地质评价作保障。
The test-bed running in good condition, survey data truthful and reliable, as a result of the full automation design, greatly reduced the influence of the artificial factor. 试验台运行状况良好,数据采集真实、可靠,由于采用了全自动化的设计,大大减少了人为因素的影响。
For selected patients with general condition survey and constitution classification, finally set up the database, perform statistical analysis. Results: 1. 对入选的患者进行一般情况调查及体质分型,最后建立数据库,进行统计分析。
However, a number of development goals on the condition of the survey, human resource conditions are difficult to meet the requirements. 然而,在对众多影响发展目标实现的条件的调查中发现,人力资源条件难以达到要求。